31 Jul Lauren {Bridal Portrait}
Hands down, this bridal portrait session is gorgeous. We love the amazing gown coupled with perfect pearls and peonies. The setting and the lighting…fabulous! Now for the story…Lauren is not only stunning she is apparently a trooper too. Getting to a great location can be a challenge. This one required an approximate mile hike. A daunting task in full lace couture and Louboutins. Kip and Liz, the talented duo at Karson Photography, apparently ended up with a Chinese fire drill of shoe swapping to rescue the bride. Lauren got Liz’s flip flops, Liz took Kip’s shoes and poor Kip had to grin and bear it in his socks. Nicely done Kip, chivalry is a wonderful asset.
{Photographs by Karson Photography :: Bouquet: WildFlowers, Inc.}
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