01 May Girl Saturday :: "Day of" Event Planning
Agghhh…I am pulling my hair out trying to find, “the topic” for today’s post. Yikes, bloggers block. For some reason, no particular issue is standing out this week. It is all the little details that have my head spinning. What type of bar do I serve? What should the programs look like? How should the Save the Dates designed? Should I have planned a destination wedding? What about a color palate for the wedding? Oh, and the biggest dilemma, I saw another dress that I may like better than the one I ordered! Really?!? Great!
Sorry gals, I am supposed to your helper and today, I need the help. You are stuck reading the ramblings of a bride that is teetering on the brink of a mini meltdown. Whoooooo…..deep breath. So all of this confusion leads me to believe that someone needs to open a bridal coaching business. Someone that I can call and be a tad on the bridezilla side who will hold my hand and say, “it’s okay honey, you are doing great.”
Although I was convinced that I could plan this affair without a planner, I am having reservations about my choice. So where does that leave me?
I have heard all of this before. Brides feel that they can be more conservative with their budget if they plan everything themselves. More often than not, they spend more. The event planners in Charleston have spent years building relationships with local vendors and often receive preferred rates. I could write a series of blogs on this topic alone. But, back to Girl Saturday’s issue. She has booked everything and started to suffer the stress of planning this momentous occasion alone. She now realizes that she needs help. Luckily, many planners have heard this before and understand. A Charleston Bride, Luke Wilson Special Events and the ladies of Yoj Events all offer Wedding Day Event Coordination.
I highly recommend seeking help at LEAST on the day of your wedding. Do you really want the responsibility of coordinating the cake drop off with the caterer? Are you planning to arrive at the reception site to decorate and confirm that the flowers are placed properly? Do you truly want to solve any “problems” that arise last minute? I would not. I would prefer to sit back and relax and feel confident that it is all being taken care of…perfectly.
{Photographs by Karyn Iserman :: Kip Karson Photography}