06 Jan Bliss & Bespoke
Over the past decade, weddings held in Charleston have stepped into the spotlight, and everything from divinely designed soirées to sublimely styled showers have appeared on blogs and in magazines near and far. Given the Lowcountry’s place on the party map, it’s little surprise that several of the country’s foremost event designers have set up shop here. To celebrate all the good news, good neighbors, and great settings, a handful of nationally renowned luxury event planners are convening here this February for a four-day retreat. Dubbed Bliss & Bespoke, the event is part learning symposium, part personal and professional networking, and part playtime in Charleston. For founders and hosts Betsy Mullinax and Katie Foreman, next month’s gathering marks the second “Bliss” happening they’ve produced; last fall they welcomed aspiring high-end photographers to a similar retreat here in town, Bliss & Bokeh. For our part, we at TWR and our parent title, Charleston Weddings, are honored to be part of the lineup of Bliss & Bespoke speakers, and we can’t wait to mingle with the industry’s most celebrated event designers. We hope you’ll join us, and tune in for all the stunning styled shoots that will come of it all. Curious? Click here for more info!
Registration ends January 9th. Local area planners are invited to use the registration code ‘charlestonlocal’ for a $500 discount. (lodging not included)
Photographer: KT Merry