02 Aug Ashley & Glenn | Engagement Session
Happy Friday Eve, everyone. We’re thinking some of you out there could relate to bride-to-be Ashley’s story about her wait, wait, wait for it proposal and then Glenn’s Big Homey Ask. Take a quick read and enjoy all the lovely engagement shots from the ever-talented, uber charming Katie of Catherine Ann Photography, who we were lucky enough to meet this weekend at the #notsobasicbrunch at The Cedar Room. Congrats to this pair of Charlestonians, and cheers, all!
From Ashley:
“We had looked at rings so I was pretty sure the proposal would come fairly soon after. When Glenn planned a weekend at our favorite resort in Bluffton, South Carolina, I was certain he would propose then. Unfortunately—and unbeknownst to me—the ring wasn’t ready in time for our trip. Glenn mentioned this might happen, but I thought that was a ploy to throw me off. [Insert TWR crew backing you up on those suspicions, Ash!]
“So the first night of our trip, I got ready for dinner thinking he’d ask that evening. At dinner, Glenn started talking about the progression of our relationship and I was certain it was about to happen. That’s when he told me he had planned on proposing, but the ring was honestly not ready. [Insert TWR staff’s collective sigh of regret and release of anticipatory tension.]
“Once we were back in Charleston, Glenn called and asked if I wanted to come over for a meal. (He enjoys cooking so this is a fairly regular occurrence.) We ate, watched one of our regular shows, and chatted about the day. After dinner, I got up to grab my things, rounded the corner, and came upon a dozen roses. I turned around and Glenn was on his knee! He said wanted to propose in this house since it’s where we will live once we are married and because it’s the house where we will grow our family. It was so sweet and so surprising.
“I always dreamed my proposal would be a big production, but I am so thankful he did it in a simple, sweet way with so much meaning behind it, and in a place that will be so special for our future.” [Insert TWR team’s collective sigh of mushy, sentimental satisfaction.]
Images by Catherine Ann Photography